Epilepsy (Purple Day)

What is Epilepsy (Purple Day)?

Purple Day is dedicated to raising epilepsy awareness, and increasing support for people living with epilspey worldwide. Cassidy Megan in Canada founded Purple Day in 2008, where Cassidy used her own struggles with epilepsy to motivate people to talk about the condition, and remind those whom are impacted by seizures that they are not alone. Cassidy named the day after the internationally recognised colour for epilspey, lavender. Epilepsy Action Australia is participating in the Make March Purple movement to support all Australians living with epilepsy. The national compaign Make March Purple ensures epilepsy is in the spotlight not only for the one day in March, but throughout March to break the stigma associated with this condition. Make March Purple raises awareness and funds for those who have had their personal lives, employment, education and wellbeing affected by Epilepsy.

When is Epilepsy (Purple Day)?

Tuesday, 26 March 


  • Discuss what is Epilepsy
  • Wear purple to school
  • Make a purple pasta necklace 
  • Make a purple collage 
  • Create a purple fingerprint artwork
  • Indulge in a purple scavenger hunt 
  • Brainstorm objects, foods etc that are purple